Just last night in the Starland Ballroom, Adam Lambert (or should I say Glambert) performed for a crowd of people ranging from teenaged fangirls to middle aged women. With pictures that boast the likes of a modern day Bowie, he appeared on stage several hours after the raging line filled into the building. With two openers, he had quite the welcoming committee, and fittingly put on a fabulous show practically dipped in glitter and psychedelia.
The man sang for almost an hour and a half, including nearly every song from his album For Your Entertainment along with two of his idol performances "Ring of Fire" and an encore of "Mad World". Though he neglected his biggest hit, the actual song "For Your Entertainment", the rest of his show was ordered in a great alignment of upbeat songs and melodies about heartbreak. Both my friend Maddi and I sang along to every song, and despite my growing cough, I had voice enough to last me through all the cheering and singing at the top of my lungs (including the drive home).
Standing on a ledge inside the ballroom, we had a great view of the stage most of the entire time. Despite the constant pushing of security trying to get to the people who passed out, and the pushy fangirls at our backs, we had no clue we'd get a good view. The line to get in was incredibly disheartening upon our arrival, and when we parked, we almost debating just waiting in the car. Boy, would that have been wrong. Though we were three quarters wrapped around the ballroom's parking lot, the line continued to grow and snake as we stood for nearly two hours outside in the humidity talking to other concert goers about why we were still in the heat after the given start time on the tickets.
By the time we got to the doors, I was told I couldn't bring my camera in. Little did I know, by the time we got inside, there would be many others taking shots with point and shoots they must have hidden in purses. My camera is to say much larger and no, I didn't have any sort of photo pass. I was disappointed I got no shots of Orianthi's purple mohawked drummer, or Adam and his bassist Tommy sharing the love (though Adam promised no kissing this time - haha, damn). At any rate, for the fangirls, I'll leave a little shot one from one of those sneaky point and shoots must have captured last night, found online:

So, no pictures aside, I can share the few taken in the line during our wait with my camera. Photo credits go to Maddi - who is much taller than I, and snuck a few shots of the long line of concert goers she spied and some others with... well, crazy hair.
With more to share, I stole a shot from Maddi of her shirt, which both of us bought before the show, knowing crowd would storm the merchandise afterwards. We loved how Adam looks like some sort of glamorous mix between Elvis and Michael Jackson here - so the shirt was a must grab.

Though the tickets were marked the price of 35 dollars for original purchase, most people there were sure to have paid more from buyers who re-sold their tickets on the internet - my friend and I included. However, I conclude that it was worth every dollar, even if someone out there did profit off me. Adam is a true performer - through all his songs, talks, and outfit changes - he knows how to run the show!