The fabric from work is finally becoming handy. After pouring through more bags of samples, I have embellished a craft purse as well as made progress on my jacket panels. To update you guys, here's some shots and info.
The other day at Michael's while buying jewelry supplies, I came across a small white purse in the clearance section. Thinking I'd draw sharpie designs on it, I bought it. But I ended up instead hand sewing fabric samples on the flap, as well as a small rose. I am still looking for a nicer ribbon strap since the shoulder strap is a little too intense and ugly for my taste, but I like to think it came out quite cute.

As for the other two projects, I have shoddily pinned the fabric onto the jacket for some idea of how I want it to appear. Since I don't own a sewing machine yet, I might put in the money to have a tailor quickly sew my panels for me, even though I've wanted to do it myself. I'd like to have them for fall in school, so we'll see. My parents are saying a sewing machine might be an option for a Christmas present!

The grey jacket below is a new one I bought to put pannels on, and I'm in love with the colors, check it out!

So for now that is all, more updates later upon finishing some things. Cheers!
oh wow! I love how the jackets turned! especially the second one's my favorite.