The other day, I received a mystery book in the mail that I did not order for myself. It took me a few minutes to remember I had let someone use my stock art on the cover art of this small, on-demand book release. I was so excited to get my free copy at last - along with full credit on the back cover!

It actually sounds like a good book, and I can't wait to find out the story behind my cover :]
Otherwise, this week has been relatively low key. I have been cleaning out my art things in the basement - out with the old and in with the new. It was pretty messy down there, and I need room to put all my piles and baskets of things. I also had fun finding lots of old things, like drawings from high school, old gift art, and much more. I was able to organize all my magazines, collage supplies, papers, paints, and old folders full of old characters.

On top of that, I hung a few things on the wall I had no room for, or didn't know where to put. Appearing here from top to bottom, left to right is; an old homework drawing I started, a design my friend Sam doodled in a corner of some paper, an old print of mine, newspaper and photo clippings, class text doodles, a rose in crayons, a copyrighted character of mine I created for T-shirts (Kibbs), and a print-out of Cole Mohr from the magazine I first discovered him in, the very boy who got me interested in male modeling my freshman year of college.
Lastly, I discovered a recent flower I drew with water soluble pencils while sitting with my friend in her drawing class while the teacher was out. It was an odd format, but I had fun. Upon going home for the semester I gave it to mum, who framed it! I think it looks nice, at any rate.
It's snowy here and I'll be in for most of it, drawing and more. Though I'll be heading to go away this weekend, it's nice to have some time to myself. Anyways, cheers all, and hope you are having a nice week!