Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winter Wonderland

I have left Lake Placid for the last time this 2010, but I almost want to go back. Though our Christmas days did barely get above 10 on a good day, a few still afternoons left me with the chance to go snap some pictures. Freezing rain iced the trees to give them a frosted look, and across all the mountains and fields, all was white. It was gorgeous! So, enjoy; I have a small photoshare:

Friday, December 24, 2010

Fashion 12.23.12

What I wore yesterday decorating the tree. Tis the season! Bring out the winter dresses!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Hope you all are doing something fun over the break. Here's some ugly sweaters to gaze at - tis the season!
I may proudly proclaim the first beauty as mine. Cheers!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Camera Things that Pull my Heartstrings

I thought I'd do a little photo share or photo-related things that make my inner dork happy. For those of you who also love photography, I thought you'd giggle inside just as I did. A friend of mine sent me the link to a tumblr blog called "photojojo", which is a site with an entire staff that focuses on featuring and highlighting fantastic work found around the internet. After spending well over an hour going through the entire tumblr, I collected these series of images I wanted to share.

The engagement ring is probably my favorite one, what a creative way for camera nerds like me to propose to each other! Also the ring below it was made by a husband for his wife, and just amazes me in it's well-made and creative qualities. So adorable!

However, that mug is also something I am dying for, or maybe a Polaroid printed scarf. I'll probably end up with a photography related tattoo someday, so that isn't a concern - but I did get to learn that apparently Nikons are made of red velvet!

And on that note, I leave you with the last picture which is simply amazing for it's creativity. Now THIS is how you shoot someone.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hiking in the ADK, my Project in 3D

My digital project has finally finished! Using a free 3D program called Unity, we were instructed to create a simple game with terrain, to collect something, that either tells a story or is a self portrait. My game served as both - a trail that leads you through the mountains I've hiked in the Adirondacks, in chronological order.

There are 46 high peaks, 8 of which I've completed. I included a total of 10 of the various peaks I've climbed, with the objective being to summit all of them and collect the 8 medals on the tops of the mountains. Trail markers similar to the ones in real life are on trees leading the way, and there's a sign-in hut to your left when you enter the game (lest you get lost, don't forget to check in!). Signs along the trail tell you how far the summits are, and gorgeous views can be seen from the top!

Complete with some simple woodsy sound effects and windy, bald-rock summits, you can play it here!

Here were a few screencaps I took while making everything:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Free Christmas Prints - 10 Slots!

Hello all! I am doing free prints for the holidays this year - 10 slots only, first come first served. Since I'm advertising this everywhere I post - get the offer while you can!

Pick any photo, drawing, or other from here, my DeviantArt, Flickr, Lookbook, DailyPhoto, or Daydream Photo Project.

They will be on matte or luster paper, and will be on standard size paper. As soon as I get home for the semester, I will be printing them and sending them out. USA only, sorry everyone!

Please email me at your address along with your choice, and I'll put you on the list. Cheers!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Creative Holiday Gift Ideas

My digital class has introduced me to a creative, new site which could lead to some of the most creative gifts I've ever seen. Shapeways is a site which makes products from a 3D printer, and is based in Europe. Users can upload anything made on a 3D program to see if it is printable, and then they can order their products as well as sell them once a shop is set up.

After browsing for a while, I decided upon buying a customizable candle holder, formed from words around a base. With a line from a favorite song "All You Need is Love", I purchased a cute candle holder for my mother in white:

They end up looking like this:

So if you're looking for creative jewelry, housewares, and other fun things head over! It's got some really neat inventions I could have never imagined, all from a 3D printer. Just a warning - order soon, so you have enough time to receive them! Fancy materials take even longer - but if you're looking for the holidays or a birthday, or even yourself, it's fun to browse! Cheers :]

Monday, November 29, 2010

Design and Illustration

Over Thanksgiving break, I went treasure hunting in my own house - a chest in my front hall, as it turns out, holds many treasures. Though I found everything from old love letters of my grandmother's, to a spiked collar mum must have hid from me in middle school - I found one awesome thing out of many I've been taking advantage of.

My grandfather's Chemistry Lab notebook from his term in 1948-9 surfaced, with only a few pages written on. The old paper is unlined, and has been yellowed with age, and provides a great backdrop for drawings. I've been working in pen and marker for the first time in years, inspired by several illustrators and designers. I am envious of the line work illustrators oftenincorporate, as well as the stylistic qualities. It takes an imaginative mind, and seems to be a completely different world from the one I am in. I wanted to experiment with a few techniques and designs, so here were the first few pages I've done since finding the notebook:

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving brings Photoshoots

Since I've been deprived since August, I finally had time upon this break to shoot once more. Before she went away, Rachel took time to drive out to a field with me and dress up for one last chance at an outdoor shoot. Out in the great swamp area, she'd spotted this one last grassy clearing that no one had cut down yet.

We drove right into the field and tramped around in sundresses in the November cold, each prepared with three different costumes and outfits. It may be the last time I can stand to shoot outside in such light clothing, but it will only make me look forward to shooting times outside in winter clothes, or over spring break somewhere warm.

My favorite shots were the few dark edits I completed at the end, and though the shoot produced many awesome images, I'll just post a few favorites here.

More here.
Hope you are enjoying the break and time with family; cheers!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fashion 11.23.10

New shots coming soon to LB and LV of some of my new favorite looks and purchases!

Finally had time to shoot these recent pieces - so there's a preview from the session. Cheers!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

PF Magazine's 31st Annual College Photography Contest

Enter before tomorrow, everyone!

I just entered, and am hoping to get something out of the contest! With open subject matter and only a 4.95 entry fee for each photograph, I submitted my pieces on Friday night. I wanted to share my five entries with you all, some seen before, others not. The prizes are fantastic, so if you've got something laying around and you're a college or high school student, I encourage you to enter!

Here's what I submitted:


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Art in Books

Starting this month, our library is running an interesting project with several old books I have chosen to be a part of. At any given time, you have three books to choose from, and you can pick one to take out for three days, and do anything you want in it. Most people draw or collage, highlight, and even paint.

I chose the largest book simply just to have space to draw - however, it ended up being a hilarious choice. It was an old dictionary of euphemisms, and many of them were written in such a humorous way I ended up reading more of it than drawing in it.

However, I managed to do two pages. Since I did them in my little time, I only did some quick inks - but I had fun.

My first page I chose to draw was where C started; for "Call-girl". Essentially, it was an excuse to draw something sexy! Though I was planning on doing a full body, I didn't quite get there. However, I was happy with the profile.

The second definition I chose was "Arse". It started somewhere along the lines of, "What people say instead of ass when they are trying to be cute". So, taking this in mind, I drew this:

Overall I had a lot of fun! I want to check them out again, but have little time in the upcoming week before Thanksgiving Break. Since there's no set deadline, I'm hoping I'll be able to do more when I return :] So if you ever get the chance, find an old book and make it your sketchbook! It's a fun project.